Thursday, December 9, 2010

Busy Bodies

That title was to reference three things in one.

First reference was that Ellie's body has been busy putting meat on her bones. She has gained somewhere around 25 lbs this week. I have been doubling the dose of probiotics for her because she had started getting diarrhea and as such, had not put on any weight for about a week and a half. I didn't like seeing her at a weigh gain plateau when she wasn't where I wanted her yet. At 20 years old I don't expect her to become a fat cow (and it's probably better for her legs that she doesn't) but to even out at a weight that is less than a 6 on the Henneke scale was not my cup of tea either. Seems the probiotics have done their magic...the weight is coming back on again and not so much loose manure. I still think I am going to attempt to add some pelletized grain to her diet and easy off on the beet pulp just in case all of the water is what is making her loose.

The next reference is to MY body. I am working my butt off...getting up early every morning to go feed hay, clean stalls, and mix Ellie's slop (which she slurps up very loudly btw). After that I try to hand walk her each day, and spend some time with her grooming etc. since she isn't getting turned out right now (some paddocks are closed due to the Winter rains). Then I go clean Tango's stall and play with him some, then strip off my sweats and fleece and boots to my work clothes underneath and go to work until 8PM, go home, make dinner, clean dishes, etc and then go to bed and do it all over again. It is REALLY draining, but it is one of those things that TOTALLY makes you feel accomplished once it's all done. Nothing like leaving your horse blanketed, in a clean, warm stall, with hay, grain and fresh water...makes you feel very useful:)

The last reference is to people who think they know your situation. Unless they are very close to you and know what you go through every day, they don't have a clue who you are, what you do and why you do it. I had a comment today after saying offhandedly that sure, Ellie may end up being euthanized at some point, but at least for now she is getting plenty of food, vet and farrier care and treats/attention and that she is happy. I got a reply that "How can she be happy if she's not getting turned out and just living in a stall. That doesn't seem very happy to me. I mean, do you even take her out and walk her?" Now the gal who said it doesn't know me, or my situation, and I'm sure had good intentions. She is familiar with Ellie's story, but I don't think she knows the whole thing. She does not however live at the barn 24/7. She does not know my schedule, and just because she doesn't see me each and every day out there riding (which I cannot do) or other such tasks, does not mean that I am not there caring for the mare. I spend as much or more time daily with Ellie than most people do with their boarded horses. I am there at LEAST once a day for AT LEAST an hour making sure she is comfortable, fed and happy. Anyone who knows me and has spent time with her and I can tell she likes me, appreciates what she is getting and is not unhappy in any way shape or form.
I know this sounds like I'm irritated, and I am to an extent but I also appreciate that at least she cares. I do want to say that if Ellie seemed depressed, uncomfortable or unhappy with her situation in any way, shape or form, she would not be standing in a stall right now. I don't believe in keeping a horse around just to assuage your guilt, or boost your ego. If she were uncomfortable due to her soundness, or not gaining weight, or pacing/weaving/stall kicking due to boredom I could absolutely see euthanizing her right away, but she is happy, and I have no doubts about that.

Anyhow, I just needed to get that off my chest. That said, I hope you enjoy the photos I've posted of Ellie taken today while I hand walked her and let her graze a bit (only a little, as the grass is still green and I didn't want to give her any excuse to bring back the diarrhea!) I'm hoping to have a farrier out again next week for another trim. She is growing hoof like crazy, and her frog is doing something funky while it has been growing out, and she is not walking evenly on her left we need to nip that in the bud before it becomes an issue:)

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