Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hey all, sorry it's been so long! I have been super busy at work the last 2 weeks, and I haven't been able to take time out and write blogs.

Just wanted to let you all know that Ellie will be moving to a friend's farm in February. This a great thing as it will be a 2ac pasture and a shelter all to herself. She'll be able to move around more, and I'll be better able to gauge how sound she is in normal circumstances.

I also got the chance today (bad weather+early morning+Seahawks Playoff Game=No Boarders Riding) to turn Ellie out in the nice dry arena to run around. And I use that term VERY loosely. She more ambled, sniffed and walked around. LOL. I tried to chase her and she gave me a nice halfhearted jog for about 5 seconds.

One of the boarders who has an adorable fjord gelding and whom I really enjoy talking to watched her with me and we laughed at her and called her a dragon because it was cold enough out that she was blowing "smoke" out of her nostrils. It was quite funny. She also had a quick moment of excitement when one of her buddies called to her. She talked back leapt forward at a canter and gave one enormous buck that made me cringe when she landed on her front legs...but she was fine:) She then proceeded to do a sliding stop in front of the mirror where she sort of arched her neck and almost studded up to herself. (ie snorted, arched, and eyed the mirror) she was so enthralled that I was able to walk up and catch her without her even knowing.

So today was a nice day for her and I. Here is a short HORRIBLE video I got of her loose in the arena today:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Judgment Day

Thats what I feel like today was. I am so freaking exhausted, and all because of internet drama. I won't go into the details, but a forum I visit daily that is full of a lot of people I respect, turned on me today because of my blog entry that made it sound like I am going to euthanize Ellie at the end of the month because she is too expensive and I am to lazy to continue to care for her.

Anyone who knows me, knows that lazy is not my style. I always said from the beginning that should my ultimate goal of rehabbing and rehoming Ellie did not go through the way I hoped, that I would do the next best thing and euthanize her. I basically got the response on there that I should have left Ellie in the kill pen if all I was going to do was give her two good months and euthanize her.

Anyone see something wrong with that picture? I was actually compared to a hoarder today. I was absolutely LIVID when I read that. I was told that I should have let someone else get Ellie. That I had misled people to think that I was going to get her, rehab her and keep her forever. That is not the case, I don't believe ANYONE who donated to Ellie's cause thought that I was going to keep her forever. I also don't believe that anyone ever thought that euthanization was never an option.

This is just a small portion of the drama that I was subjected to today. I'd like to thank those who took the time to remind me why I am doing this. To help me calm down enough to see that these people had no right to judge me the way they had. Just because I can't retire Ellie myself, does not mean that I have not done right by her. One way or another she will get the end she deserves, whether it be the perfect retirement home where she can enjoy a pasture or turnout with grass and maybe a friend, or a nice hot bowl of bran mash and a peaceful, dignified end that I think she deserves when the time comes.

I know that I have done, and am doing right by Ellie. The people who know me, and have met Ellie know that I am doing right by Ellie. If you disagree, so be it. If you think that it should be done any other way, then do it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pretty Cold

You heard me...pretty cold. Not like oh, it's pretty cold out here; but rather: it is beautiful but freaking COLD out here! I've spent the last few days breaking ice, chipping frozen stall doors open, skipping beet pulp because it is freezing to the bucket, and picking out stalls that are ice hard poop and pee-cicles.
That said, despite the cold it has been dry and sunny for a few days, so I took Ellie out for a walk and grazing session since she really needs to get out! We went out on the side of the barn to graze, and we had beautiful views, so I took pics to get my mind off of how freezing I was at the moment...
Had an exciting day yesterday, but you can read about all of that on Tango's blog because it all was more connected to him. Have a great New Year!