Thursday, December 30, 2010

Alone Isn't Always a Bad Thing

Just a quick blurb to update everyone.
I have set a deadline for Ellie. She has to find a retirement home by January 31st, or I will have to euthanize. I can't continue feeding and cleaning and paying for her massive amounts of bedding etc. for months and months just to end up having to euthanize her(at a cost to me of $700) I am giving her every chance I can by emailing each and every rescue/sanctuary that I find to be reputable to see if they or someone they are aware of might have room to house a retired pony.

I am willing to help pay shipping, and even send her with feed etc, and pay for another trim if I need to. This mare really deserves a proper retirement, but I can't do it myself. I board and I can't afford to pay long term board on more than one horse. If I could find someone willing to pay for her board/feed/bedding, I'd totally be willing to keep her for however long but right now it is just about killing me to get out and take care of her every morning (buying feed, bedding, then heading to the barn, cleaning her stall, feeding, water bucket, soaking beet pulp, setting out PM feed, rebedding stall, hand walking and grooming) and then going take care of Tango, and then working until 8pm and getting home at 9 and starting all over again the next day. I've gotten sick a lot this year, and I have a sneaking suspicion that lack of sleep and cold air might be why.

That said, I really like Ellie and feel a real responsibility for her that I don't think anyone else could understand. She may be a grumpy old girl, but if I had my own place I'd keep her until she was gone in a heartbeat. SOMEONE must know of a place for her. If you do...tell me!

So on to the title of this blog. It snowed yesterday morning, then melted, then hailed, then froze, so it was COLD (20* plus windchill) this morning AND sunny. Made for a treacherous drive, but golly it was pretty. I took care of Miss Ellie this morning and I must have been the only one willing to drive all the way there...the only people around were the barn help! It was really peaceful, and beautiful....heres a quick cell pic I snapped: (that is the sun right next to Mt. Rainier so pretty!!)

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