Monday, December 6, 2010

Ellie's Spa Day

So this Saturday I decided to bathe/clip Ellie and get some nice photos of her, that are a little more flattering;) Unfortunately Saturday dawned and the frost was so thick on the ground, and the wind so insistent that I decided that bathing wasn't the best idea. Soooo my good friend Coral and I went about clipping her face up, and washing her tail and legs.

Ellie has developed on again/off again diarrhea the last week and it was all over her butt/tail/rear legs, so she really needed a good thorough grooming. I got her all cleaned up and Coral (the talented photographer) pulled out her trusty camera and out into the bitter wind we went. Ellie was really well behaved out there in the open parking lot! Unfortunately all she wanted to do was look AWAY from the light at the turnouts where there were horses. She also wanted to be right in my pocket, so every time I stepped away to get out of the photo, she in turn stepped forward so it was nearly impossible to get her to stand in a flattering stance LOL. Poor Coral didn't have much to work with....just a scruffy, skinny, inattentive mare:) I think she did pretty darn well considering!

With the development of her diarrhea last week I started Ellie on probiotics, I'm giving them the week to make a difference. If I don't see an improvement in the consistency of her manure, and/or see her beginning to gain weight again, I will start tweaking her feed schedule. Hopefully she will find a good retirement home within the next couple of months, because she sure would love someone who can put every ounce of their love into her every single day!:)

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