Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ellie The Mudball

Ellie's pretty self prior to our grooming sesh.
So it's been about a month since I moved Ellie to Paradise. She settled right in, and has made some over-the-fence buddies, is scarfing down food like a little piggy, and enjoying 2 acres alllll to herself. Of course instead of taking advantage of all that space she opts to stand in the mud (well, OK, wet dirt) next to the gate seperating her and the 3 year olds.

Go figure, you rescue a horse from the muddy cold kill pen, put them in a warm, dry barn, and they end up happier out in a field where they can wallow in the mud like pigs!:)

This is Ellies "My Give a Damns Busted" Face:)

I went out last weekend and spent some quality time grooming her (she is shedding quickly, but it's been too cold to remove her blanket to give her a good grooming). A good curry, some shed blade action and a quick brush. She had a nice shiny coat going for awhile, but now that it is Spring her coat has dulled, died and begun falling out in clumps...she is nearly bald in some spots. I'm thinking thanks to all the good food and vitamins her body is working on ridding itself of all the crappy/dead hair and is going to start all over and grow a brand new coat!:)

Standing "tied" to the fence getting a good grooming. You can sort of see her

gaskin/hip area where she is "balding"

Today I went out and gave her a few treats and made her grain. I've decided that since we are starting from scratch on her coat that I would add in a few goodies to really give it a chance to "shine" if you will.

This is Ellie today. As you can see the HORRIBLE rain has actually not had TOO

much effect on her pasture, except the place she likes to "wallow".

So her new diet is pretty much free choice orchard grass, pasture and once a day she gets:

1 scoop Senior feed
1/2 scoop rice bran
1 oz Farriers Formula
1 oz Probio Blend
1 oz Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
1 oz Flax Seed

I am hoping this diet will make for a chunky, shiny little mare come Spring;)


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