Monday, December 13, 2010

Rainy Days!

So it was nasty outside this weekend, but it was SURE warm! I didn't do a ton with Ellie, just groomed her and handwalked her inside since it was so wet. She did rear up on me while leading her this weekend, but a quick shank brought her right down, and she didn't seem upset before or afterward, so not sure what the trigger was there.

Otherwise she's been really nice to be around. She is still really touchy about her legs, and it makes me wonder if perhaps she was a victim of being trained to "dance". I've been working with her on it, and she seems ok when you actually pick them up...very eager to pick them up if you even act like you want them, but get anything else near them (brush, pitchfork etc) and she'll grab her foot up like you poked her.

She has gotten less reactive lately, I'm trying to gradually get her used to things touching her legs, the brushes have been the hardest, but she's getting better about the pitchfork being near them. She now lets me throw shavings at her legs without getting too riled up. She LOVES her slop and I'll hopefully post a video of her eating it here in a few days. In the meantime, here are a couple pics of her after I took her blanket off the other night--it was so warm!

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