Thursday, December 30, 2010

Alone Isn't Always a Bad Thing

Just a quick blurb to update everyone.
I have set a deadline for Ellie. She has to find a retirement home by January 31st, or I will have to euthanize. I can't continue feeding and cleaning and paying for her massive amounts of bedding etc. for months and months just to end up having to euthanize her(at a cost to me of $700) I am giving her every chance I can by emailing each and every rescue/sanctuary that I find to be reputable to see if they or someone they are aware of might have room to house a retired pony.

I am willing to help pay shipping, and even send her with feed etc, and pay for another trim if I need to. This mare really deserves a proper retirement, but I can't do it myself. I board and I can't afford to pay long term board on more than one horse. If I could find someone willing to pay for her board/feed/bedding, I'd totally be willing to keep her for however long but right now it is just about killing me to get out and take care of her every morning (buying feed, bedding, then heading to the barn, cleaning her stall, feeding, water bucket, soaking beet pulp, setting out PM feed, rebedding stall, hand walking and grooming) and then going take care of Tango, and then working until 8pm and getting home at 9 and starting all over again the next day. I've gotten sick a lot this year, and I have a sneaking suspicion that lack of sleep and cold air might be why.

That said, I really like Ellie and feel a real responsibility for her that I don't think anyone else could understand. She may be a grumpy old girl, but if I had my own place I'd keep her until she was gone in a heartbeat. SOMEONE must know of a place for her. If you do...tell me!

So on to the title of this blog. It snowed yesterday morning, then melted, then hailed, then froze, so it was COLD (20* plus windchill) this morning AND sunny. Made for a treacherous drive, but golly it was pretty. I took care of Miss Ellie this morning and I must have been the only one willing to drive all the way there...the only people around were the barn help! It was really peaceful, and beautiful....heres a quick cell pic I snapped: (that is the sun right next to Mt. Rainier so pretty!!)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rainy Days

So today was my day off at work, and I had plenty to do! I got up early to go feed Ellie, then out to Maple Valley to care for a friend's 4 horses, 2 dogs, 3 cats, chickens, turtle and guinea pig. After that I made a run to Tango's barn and cleaned his stall, made some grain, and played with him a little. Then I went BACK to see Ellie, got her out, groomed her, hand walked her (inside of course, thanks to the rain!) Then I took her back inside, gave her a treat and re-blanketed her.

Got to have a nice chat with a boarder and her farrier today, and they were so nice and you could really tell how much they love horses. I got to tell them Ellie's story, and they agreed with me how unfair it is that a horse has to suffer due to the greed of humans. I marvel every time I see her pretty face greeting me in the morning how different her life could have been if just one person had stepped in and given her the surgery to remove her tumor. Or if she hadn't broken her pastern. She could have gone on to become a fabulous western or hunter horse, then had several very nicely bred and conformed foals for someone. Probably would have made back what was spent on her surgery and more.Of course, now it is too late. She is looking at one of two realities....a retirement with someone who has a big heart and a little extra money to spoil a very sweet little girl, or euthanization. The one thing I can say, is that either way, at least she will have closure once and for all. No more being rescued at the last minute out of a kill pen. No more living in muddy pastures with a herd of horses twice her size, stealing her feed. No more waiting so long to get her feet done she starts to look like an elf horse. At least for now she has someone who spends time with her every day, and someone who doesn't care if she can be ridden, or have foals. Someone who doesn't care if she's having "one of those days" and someone she knows will feed her every time she comes:)
Today I also wormed Ellie again. Last time I wormed her she was pretty weak and she didn't put up a resistance. This time she is fat and sassy, and only really put up a meager resistance. She sort of put her head up, but she realized very quickly that if she brought her head down, and took the wormer that she would get a treat:) Smart cookie, this one is! Another she let me brush all four of her legs. I just kept the brush on her leg until she put it on the ground, and then I released the pressure on her by removing the brush. I'd brush again and she'd hold her foot up (remember, she never kicks, just picks legs up really fast) and then when she'd put it down, I'd remove the brush again. I was able to brush all four legs, brush off her hooves (she pees and poops so much (I take an entire wheelbarrow of waste from her stall daily) which causes her to get it caked on her feet) and also to pick out all four feet thoroughly and spray a bleach/water solution on her soles to help with the minor infection she has going on. She is great with sprays too. Really I've not found much wrong with her.

My favorite quote of the day was from the farrier, I said to them that I hoped that someone would want her because she is a really sweet horse, and the farrier said "Well yeah, she's a puppy dog!"

For fun, I wanted to show you a pic from Nov 14, Nov 16 and today Dec 23 to show you how much she has come along!:)

Nov 14:

Nov 16:

Dec 23:

Wind, Snow and Flooding Oh My!

I'm writing this post on both of my blogs, so if you read both, so sorry for the duplication!:)

I have been unable to update on both horses due to a myriad of circumstances, the least of which is the busy schedule I've had in this Holiday Season including Christmas Parties (a party each day of the weekend for the last three weekends), Pet Sits (it IS the time of year that people go visit family, or run away from it if thats your thing), and of course caring for my two ponies and my home.
In addition to all the normal goings-on that we endure during this beautiful time of year, is the lovely weather that little Ms La Nina has brought us...with today being the very first day of Winter, we've already experienced (in the last month) an ice/snow storm, a wind storm, record rains (which of course equals flooding) and another large wind storm (following the flooding, of course). All of these things have caused us all some amount of grief, mine being the influx of vehicles in our dealership to be fixed from all of the accidents.

First I'll chat about the snow/ice storm which happened just before Thanksgiving. We had something like 8 inches of snow in our area. It stuck around for about a week, melting, and freezing, and sleeting, then snowing, then melting and freezing again creating a giant mess of our roads, and ultimately our cars. The boyfriend and I made it through with no negative issues. It was cold, and icy, but my 2010 VW Jetta made it's way home safely the first day (amazingly avoiding all the huge issues just half an hour behind me!) and the rest of the time I convinced the boyfriend to run me back and forth between the barns, making sure I had enough feed and bedding for both horses, as well as to work and back. We flew out to Vegas for Thanksgiving, and when we came home it was dry and cloudy:) Photos below of my parent's road, and then a pic of a friend's backyard about 5 miles from my house.

Then we had a nice big wind storm. I woke up in the middle of the night to a HUGE gust of wind blowing sheets of rain, and hail into my window. We woke up in the morning to no power. Crazy night with very little sleep. Horses survived, thankfully!:)

A few weeks later we were subjected to Washington's favorite weather condition--rain! We had record amounts of rain (I can't remember how much, but something like 4" in a few hours in spots). It DUMPED. Every river on the West side was swollen and threatening to spill their banks...the Green and White Rivers (the two the we are sandwiched between) stayed within them, but the Stillaguamish and Snoqualmie overflowed. Like a lot. Photos below of the Green River, and then a couple from news channels about the Snoqualmie and Stillaguamish.

And last but not least we had our most fabulous wind storm. There is damage EVERYWHERE, including a beautiful historic barn that collapsed. The news was saying top wind gusts in Enumclaw (the next town over from us) was 74mph. A family friend, who lives just off the main Hwy in Enumclaw, has a home weather station that clocked one gust at 83mph...and she claims she saw it peak at 115mph during one particularly strong gust. Needless to say, I was worried about the horses. Power was out at both barns, but everyone was snug and calm. Gotta love nicely built barns!

Anyhow, thats what I have now. Tango and I went on a nice walk, and he is enjoying his new suite between the two arabians...I think they are exhausting him because he was SUPER good for his walk on Sunday! I'll update again soon!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ellie's Slop

So I don't have much to write today, other than that I am exhausted due to lack of sleep. I went to bed at midnight last night after spending hours networking and attempting to place Ellie. I was then rudely awakened by the beating of hail, trees, rain and 60mph gusts against my bedroom window at 1am. Lighting and thunder and transformers blowing all around us. Somehow we didn't lose power (we always do)! is a quick video of Ellie eating her slop...nummy.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rainy Days!

So it was nasty outside this weekend, but it was SURE warm! I didn't do a ton with Ellie, just groomed her and handwalked her inside since it was so wet. She did rear up on me while leading her this weekend, but a quick shank brought her right down, and she didn't seem upset before or afterward, so not sure what the trigger was there.

Otherwise she's been really nice to be around. She is still really touchy about her legs, and it makes me wonder if perhaps she was a victim of being trained to "dance". I've been working with her on it, and she seems ok when you actually pick them up...very eager to pick them up if you even act like you want them, but get anything else near them (brush, pitchfork etc) and she'll grab her foot up like you poked her.

She has gotten less reactive lately, I'm trying to gradually get her used to things touching her legs, the brushes have been the hardest, but she's getting better about the pitchfork being near them. She now lets me throw shavings at her legs without getting too riled up. She LOVES her slop and I'll hopefully post a video of her eating it here in a few days. In the meantime, here are a couple pics of her after I took her blanket off the other night--it was so warm!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Busy Bodies

That title was to reference three things in one.

First reference was that Ellie's body has been busy putting meat on her bones. She has gained somewhere around 25 lbs this week. I have been doubling the dose of probiotics for her because she had started getting diarrhea and as such, had not put on any weight for about a week and a half. I didn't like seeing her at a weigh gain plateau when she wasn't where I wanted her yet. At 20 years old I don't expect her to become a fat cow (and it's probably better for her legs that she doesn't) but to even out at a weight that is less than a 6 on the Henneke scale was not my cup of tea either. Seems the probiotics have done their magic...the weight is coming back on again and not so much loose manure. I still think I am going to attempt to add some pelletized grain to her diet and easy off on the beet pulp just in case all of the water is what is making her loose.

The next reference is to MY body. I am working my butt off...getting up early every morning to go feed hay, clean stalls, and mix Ellie's slop (which she slurps up very loudly btw). After that I try to hand walk her each day, and spend some time with her grooming etc. since she isn't getting turned out right now (some paddocks are closed due to the Winter rains). Then I go clean Tango's stall and play with him some, then strip off my sweats and fleece and boots to my work clothes underneath and go to work until 8PM, go home, make dinner, clean dishes, etc and then go to bed and do it all over again. It is REALLY draining, but it is one of those things that TOTALLY makes you feel accomplished once it's all done. Nothing like leaving your horse blanketed, in a clean, warm stall, with hay, grain and fresh water...makes you feel very useful:)

The last reference is to people who think they know your situation. Unless they are very close to you and know what you go through every day, they don't have a clue who you are, what you do and why you do it. I had a comment today after saying offhandedly that sure, Ellie may end up being euthanized at some point, but at least for now she is getting plenty of food, vet and farrier care and treats/attention and that she is happy. I got a reply that "How can she be happy if she's not getting turned out and just living in a stall. That doesn't seem very happy to me. I mean, do you even take her out and walk her?" Now the gal who said it doesn't know me, or my situation, and I'm sure had good intentions. She is familiar with Ellie's story, but I don't think she knows the whole thing. She does not however live at the barn 24/7. She does not know my schedule, and just because she doesn't see me each and every day out there riding (which I cannot do) or other such tasks, does not mean that I am not there caring for the mare. I spend as much or more time daily with Ellie than most people do with their boarded horses. I am there at LEAST once a day for AT LEAST an hour making sure she is comfortable, fed and happy. Anyone who knows me and has spent time with her and I can tell she likes me, appreciates what she is getting and is not unhappy in any way shape or form.
I know this sounds like I'm irritated, and I am to an extent but I also appreciate that at least she cares. I do want to say that if Ellie seemed depressed, uncomfortable or unhappy with her situation in any way, shape or form, she would not be standing in a stall right now. I don't believe in keeping a horse around just to assuage your guilt, or boost your ego. If she were uncomfortable due to her soundness, or not gaining weight, or pacing/weaving/stall kicking due to boredom I could absolutely see euthanizing her right away, but she is happy, and I have no doubts about that.

Anyhow, I just needed to get that off my chest. That said, I hope you enjoy the photos I've posted of Ellie taken today while I hand walked her and let her graze a bit (only a little, as the grass is still green and I didn't want to give her any excuse to bring back the diarrhea!) I'm hoping to have a farrier out again next week for another trim. She is growing hoof like crazy, and her frog is doing something funky while it has been growing out, and she is not walking evenly on her left we need to nip that in the bud before it becomes an issue:)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ellie's Spa Day

So this Saturday I decided to bathe/clip Ellie and get some nice photos of her, that are a little more flattering;) Unfortunately Saturday dawned and the frost was so thick on the ground, and the wind so insistent that I decided that bathing wasn't the best idea. Soooo my good friend Coral and I went about clipping her face up, and washing her tail and legs.

Ellie has developed on again/off again diarrhea the last week and it was all over her butt/tail/rear legs, so she really needed a good thorough grooming. I got her all cleaned up and Coral (the talented photographer) pulled out her trusty camera and out into the bitter wind we went. Ellie was really well behaved out there in the open parking lot! Unfortunately all she wanted to do was look AWAY from the light at the turnouts where there were horses. She also wanted to be right in my pocket, so every time I stepped away to get out of the photo, she in turn stepped forward so it was nearly impossible to get her to stand in a flattering stance LOL. Poor Coral didn't have much to work with....just a scruffy, skinny, inattentive mare:) I think she did pretty darn well considering!

With the development of her diarrhea last week I started Ellie on probiotics, I'm giving them the week to make a difference. If I don't see an improvement in the consistency of her manure, and/or see her beginning to gain weight again, I will start tweaking her feed schedule. Hopefully she will find a good retirement home within the next couple of months, because she sure would love someone who can put every ounce of their love into her every single day!:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just a Quick Share

Just wanted to share a quick photo I snapped of Ellie turned out this morning...she seemed so happy! Also just wanted to share that she has been getting along great with the gelding she is turned out next far I've seen no aggression issues!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back From Vegas!

So I took a quick family vacation to Vegas. While I was gone the lovely staff at The Back Forte took fabulous care of Ellie (specifically Rachel Koehler who did a great job of giving Ellie her slop once a day, and making sure Miss Picky had plenty of water since she doesn't like her automatic waterer) Two new big things happened while I was gone...

Ellie and Sassy got a new friend, Stormy.....he is the adorable fuzzy OTTB (off track thoroughbred, for those of you who don't know), that was dropped off in the kill pen during all of that snow. I have yet to meet his rescuer, but oh my gosh he is cute...even my boyfriend (who can usually give or take a horse) really thought he was sweet:)

Also new since I last updated, is that Ellie has passed her quarantine period is now allowed to be turned out! She is loving being out...and reportedly has been SUPER easy for the barn help to handle....easy to release and easy to catch. So far I'm seeing NO signs of aggression from this mare. I'm starting to doubt there is anything wrong with her hormones!:) With a view like this one, how could anyone be mad??:)

Anyways, that is all for now...hoping to spend a little time with her tomorrow, but may not have new photos of her until Friday. I promise I'll get some then!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ellie Has History

So I was able to contact a previous owner of Ellie's today. Her name is Tina and she seems like a wonderful woman. She had purchased Ellie for her children, thinking she'd be a nice mount for them to learn on. While she was with Tina she had mood swings, which she said sometimes made her dangerous. While she has been with me, I have yet to see dangerous behavior, but she does seem a little pissy sometimes. However, for the most part she is a sweet, calm older mare that just seems cranky (which I have thus far contributed to her being in pain from arthritis/old surgery etc).

When Tina found a new home for Ellie she traded her to a friend for a kid-safe horse more suitable for her children. That friend made attempts to breed her and was unsuccessful. He in turn had her ultrasounded and found that there was a basketball sized tumor on one of her ovaries. He sold Ellie and continued his breeding program.

Once she left his hands, she was passed around, lied about, passed around, dumped, rescued, passed around some more and sold for ungodly amounts amidst lies and betrayals. Instead of someone doing the right thing and disclosing her issues, or euthanizing her to save her from exactly what happened to her (being rescued numerous times etc) She was passed on, and passed on to multitudes of homes.

This poor mare is an example of why we, as humans, need to be honest with others about the abilities of horses. It is not fair to them to pass them around for one reason or another and not either address, or rid them of their issues. They end up, after 20 years of being passed around, in a kill pen during the coldest month of the year, skinny and untrimmed. How unfair!

While I feel there is a place for slaughter (although not in the state it is now, but a more regulated and humane option) this mare is NOT the type of horse I'd say is a candidate. This is a horse who was planned for, loved, and campaigned. Bred, and made money for people. She has given her all for people, and they in turn passed her on to the next wrong home. In a case like this...sometimes it is more humane just to let them go. I know we as a human race do not ever feel good about letting an animal who outwardly seems healthy (as a horse) go on to a better place, it is sometimes a better option than where they may someday end up.

Right now the plan is to save for Dr. Bob Campbell to come out and evaluate what sort of quality of life Ellie has. She has apparently lived with this tumor for at least 10 years, and is still around and reasonably happy. But if she is in pain, or is going to become a danger to herself or others due to hormones, we may have to make some difficult decisions. I ask you all to keep Ellie in your prayers and myself as well so that I make the right decision, as it seems not many people have done on behalf of her. I already love Ellie, and while it would be hard to let her go, sometimes that is the kinder option. I will keep you all updated. She is a special little girl!

Friday, November 19, 2010

And she continues to improve...

Just another quick post to let you all know I went and spent some quality time with Ellie tonight. The plan was to take her on a quick walk around the lonely, dark arena since nobody was there, but as soon as we left Sassy's view she opted to sound the alarm and upset the whole we scrapped that plan and opted to groom and then aisle-walk instead. Ellie got bored of the grooming quickly...but here was the finished product !

Looking good Eeeaster Elegance!:)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Birthday Update!

Today was my birthday, so I wanted to share that Ellie looks SO much better! A friend Jessica Warnock-Gambriell (some of you may remember her from 4-H) just graduated vet school, and offered to come look at Ellie free of charge.

She says Ellie seems pretty healthy for her age and all she has been through. Of course she is lame, but Jess thinks that it's all related to her old injuries, and that there was nothing to be worried about. She agrees with me the left fore is worse. She says a joint supplement and bute or banamine on her bad days is the best course of action.

Her teeth look good, and she is gaining weight normally. She agrees with her current diet, and Ellie is glad because she loves her beet pulp/rice bran slop. She said to go ahead and worm her this weekend. She is not anemic due to a worm load.

In general, Ellie checked out well, and the better she feels, the more "girl" she She pins her ears when you are near her food, but never gets nasty. She is a big bluffer:) Anyhow. Just a quick update and some new pics! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Productive (But Torturous) Day!

Today Ellie got her shots (graciously donated by Joe and Stacy Forte, and given by Rachel Koehler). I'm sure she wasn't the happiest about THIS development, but the rest of us are happy, as they are protecting the rest of the horses in the barn from contracting any odd diseases, and her from the same.Today Ellie also got her feet done. Her rear hooves were not terrible, but her fronts are a mess...the left front is very clubby and has an offset frog, and the right front has a terribly underrun heel and quite a lot of infection in it.

As you can see her angles are completely hoof grows too much heel, and the other grows not enough. Hard little project for some talented farrier--thats for sure! A local trimmer came out at a reduced rate and a great friend, Heather Davis, held her for me since I had to work all day. Reports were she was very well behaved, and easy to deal with. This mare LOVES to pick her feet up. Seriously. All I have to do is lean over like I MIGHT pick her feet up and they are in the air. She'll hold them there for you too! LOL. She is a goof. I'm assuming this is a conditioned response due to the leg issues she has had in the past.
Just a few more photos of her feet before the trim:
And here are the after photos:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Already Better!

So Ellie has been here five days now. Everyone has been so generous! Robin Gorman of the Mare Magic company was nice enough to offer to send Ellie a whole package of ProbioBlend...we are really looking forward to receiving that gift!

Ellie has made leaps and bounds. She is beginning to be more personable. She cracks me up. She is your typical redheaded arab mare. She is tough as nails and whatever you do has to be her idea. She is really sweet, but has a sassy side too.

As I mentioned before, Ellie has a neighbor in the morgan mare that was also at the ESP. They have named that gorgeous girl Sassy, and boy does it fit! She knows she is the coolest thing since sliced bread! Ellie told me she would prefer a quieter, more subtle gelding for company, but Sassy will do!:)

Ellie will get her feet done this week, and see a vet as well. I am sure she is really looking forward to her week-o-torture. At least she'll feel better once everything is done. I am trying to space out the not-so-nice stuff so as to keep her happy.
I will be sure to update once her trim and vet appointments are completed!:) Ellie has already gained about 25 lbs....heres hoping she gains more!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Food Is Your Friend!

Well Ellie has been here nearly 24 hours, and as yet, I haven't been able to get her pretty little head out of her feed!

She has already gained a few pounds, and I think seems pretty happy to be here. She has been kind of hooked to me, and is learning that food comes from me:)

Good news! She has a buddy! The chunky morgan mare who was also in the kill pen made her way to The Back Forte as well, and they are one stall away from eachother. Ellie could care less about her neighbor, but darned if Sassy doesn't think Ellie was the best thing she ever saw. Goofy mare!!

Please see above for a photo of Ellie after a whole night of good feeding!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ellie Comes Home

Welcome! This is a blog to chronicle the progress of the mare Eeeaster Elegance (Ellie) in her recovery from malnutrition and neglect.

I first saw Ellie while surfing a forum I visit daily. I've read the Auction Horses Forum before, but numerous times have passed up horses that I've seen on there, knowing they'd likely get a great home with one of the other members.

I saw a photo of Ellie and something about her grabbed me. She was thin, and fuzzy, and very sad looking. All reports said she was very quiet and sweet. I really didn't have a ton of extra resources to be able to help her, but decided to see if any of my friends would be willing to pitch in so that I could help her out..

A very generous friend, Kathy Bressi offered to pay the approximately $300 to get her out of the kill pen. Another friend, Stacy Forte offered a luxurious stall that she could stay in so that she could be brought home ASAP. My friend Danielle Berg hooked up her gorgeous gooseneck trailer to her immaculate Harley Davidson F350 and came and picked her up. THAT picture sure didn't fit...a scruffy, thin arabian mare loading onto a gorgeous 3 horse trailer!

Lots of other friends (online and otherwise) offered feed (Carrie Olson-hay, Karen Goetz, my wonderful Mommy-hay, bedding, grain, blankets, Kari Phinney, and Coral Kelley-grain and numerous online friends who helped pay for farrier and other misc. costs).

So tonight she is home in a warm comfy stall, and happily munching green, leafy alfalfa hay and beet pulp/rice bran slop":)

Miss Ellie says thanks to all of her new friends for being so generous!:)